
Guarantee became new !!

The Guarantee system of *Edelweiss* was renewed at 9:00AM(JPT), December 26th, 2008.

After a certain period, a past guarantee card cannot be used.
I am sorry, please exchange it ahead of time.

**Confirm method

The card that you bought before the above-mentioned date is an old card.

When the card is attached, the card from which the message of the version
confirmation appears becomes a new card.

**Change point

All systems of the guarantee became online.
・The version can be checked wherever you are.
・It is possible to receive the latest version of the product when you are (It is
not compulsion).
・In a new card, the latest version need not be received with Main Store.
・A new card need not necessarily be attached.

**Exchange method

・Please touch Sebastian of Main Store after attaching an old card. The package where a new card is included can be received.
・The exchange only of cards is also possible. Please touch the guarantee card switch machine after attaching an old card.

**Exchange period

6 months are scheduled longest.